St. Ann's Catholic Church | Iglesia Catolica de Sant |
St. Ann's Catholic Church | Iglesia Catolica de Sant |
Our Church..Our Faith | Nuestra Iglesia..Nuestra Fe |
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The Holy See This is the official
Vatican web site. |
LIFE TEEN: 100 % Catholic
What started out as a youth group at St. Timothy's in Mesa, Arizona, has grown into the most prolific youth ministry in the Catholic Church. Every Sunday, 120,000 teenagers attend a LIFE TEEN Mass. Our 950 programs stretch around the globe into twenty countries. |
The Knights of Columbus Is a Catholic men's fraternal benefit society that was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works. |
Welcome to the Diocese
of Grand Island Youth
Ministry Web site. This
site is meant to be a
resource for youth
throughout western Nebraska. Bienvenido al sitio web
de la Diocesis de Grand Island del Ministerio de Jovenes. Este sitio a sido creado como un recurso para los jovenes atravez de Nebraska
occidental. Ingles Solamente! |
| Is a service to help Catholics with handicaps, migrants, pilgrims, refugees, travelers and workers on the road find a Mass or other worship services. Es un servicio para ayudar a los Catolicos desavilitados, migrantes, pelegrinos, refugiados, vacacionistas y trabajadores de las carreteras a encontrar las Iglesias y horarios de misas o otros servicios de Dios. |
Las Caridades católicas USA reúnen los donativos financieros a la emergencia católica de agencias de Caridades y esfuerzos a largo plazo de recuperación tras ambos Huracán Katrina y el Huracán Rita. Unete y dona ahora. Catholic Charities USA is collecting financial donations to Catholic Charities agencies’ emergency and long-term recovery efforts in the wake of both Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita. Donate Now. |
This website is designed to help achieve the goals of the Justice for Immigrants Campaign. It provides tools and information for diocesan and community-based organizing, education, and advocacy efforts. Este Sitio de internet esta diseñado para ayudar a lograr la meta de la campaña de Justicia para los Inmigrantes.Tiene herramientas e informacion para las Diocesis y comunidad organizada, educacion y ayuda legal. |
| English Español News | Noticias English & Español A new
web site has been stablished to provide
accurate information about the life of
Jesus. ....
Un nuevo sitio de internet a sido
establesido para dar informacion
correcta sobre la vida de Jesus. ...
| es un sitio en español donde encontraras
temas relacionados con los valores de la vida. Temas de
gran interes como El significado del cuerpo del Señor,
Los Angeles custodios de la vida diaria, La amistad y sus
valores, El corazon humano de Maria, entre otros temas. |
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is an assembly of the hierarchy of the United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands who jointly exercise certain pastoral functions on behalf of the Christian faithful of the United States. |
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This page was last updated:October 16,2005 This page was originally posted:October 05,2005
© St. Ann's Catholic Church of Lexington, Nebraska |